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Showing 1 results for Rezaee

Dr. Vahid Rezaee, Dr. Rasoul Shemshadi,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (Autumn 2024)

In this study, feasibility study of using renewable energy of wind and solar sources for Technical and Vocational University of Shahid Chamran in Guilan has been performed using HOMER software. The feasibility study has been conducted based on three scenarios including the combination of electricity grid with wind turbine, combination of electricity grid with solar cells and combination of electricity grid with hybrid wind turbine and solar cells system. Moreover, an economic analysis based on the discount rate of 8 and 18 percent and the inflation rate of 45 percent has been conducted. The results show that among the three designed scenarios, the hybrid system of solar cell and electricity grid is economical based on the net present value of money. In this system, the maximum output power equal to 263 kW and equalization cost was 0.00812 dollars for each kilowatt hour.Also, the emission of harmful environmental gases was investigated, which shows that the hybrid system of electricity network and wind has a lower percentage of carbon and pollution emissions.


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مجله علمی تخصصی مهندسی مکانیک تبدیل انرژی Journal of Energy Conversion
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