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Showing 3 results for Air Conditioning

Mehrdad Khademi, Alireza Saraei, Mohammadhassan Jalalodin Abyaneh,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2022)

The present study conducts an energy evaluation of a new solar tri-generation design for cooling, heating, and power generation of a hospital complex. The proposed system contains linear Fresnel concentrating collectors and photovoltaic thermal absorbers, which use solar energy to produce electrical and thermal energy for sale and partially provide the energy for cooling and heating cycles. The proposed cooling system in this structure is a single effect LiBr-H2O absorption chiller. For the cases of cooling and heating systems, energy demand is more than solar energy production; gas fire backup heaters are intended. The annual system performance under the air conditioning load of the hospital complex is presented. The results show that the solar cycle provides 30% of the system's annual energy supply. In addition, the proposed structure also generates 77.7 MWh of electrical energy. The understudy system provides all its required energy from solar energy on the hottest day of the study from 9 to 15. The proposed collector has a better performance than photovoltaic thermal and concentrating Thermal collectors.
Dr. Kouros Nekoufar, Dr. Mehdi Vadoudi, Dr. Seyed Arash Seyedshams Taleghani,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2024)

In this article, using traditional and unnecessary methods, the energy consumption in ventilation and cooling of the building has been numerically analyzed. By considering a model of the wind deflector, the influence of effective parameters on the performance of the wind deflector has been investigated and the results have been presented. Two general cases were considered, one of the models included a heat absorbent surface (corresponding to the pond or wet surfaces in traditional wind deflectors) and the other was simple. In this research, it was observed that increasing the height of the wind deflector has improved its performance and also the wind speed has a positive role in the efficiency of the wind deflector. Also, the presence of a heat absorbing surface reduced the internal temperature to a greater extent than in the normal case. From the modeling carried out in this research, it was found that the presence of wind deflectors can reduce the temperature inside the residential house by 11 degrees and also the amount of air conditioning inside the building can be significantly improved.

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مجله علمی تخصصی مهندسی مکانیک تبدیل انرژی Journal of Energy Conversion
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