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:: Volume 11, Issue 3 (Autumn 2024) ::
تبدیل انرژی 2024, 11(3): 41-58 Back to browse issues page
Energy, exergy, economic and environmental analysis of an energy production system based on a combination of compressed air energy storage, hot and cold storage, electrolyzer and organic Rankine cycle
Ardeshir Ghalavand1 , Ali Ershadi1 , Ehsanolah Assareh * 2
1- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dezful Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dezful, Iran
2- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dezful Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dezful, Iran , assareh.ehsanolah@gmail.com
Abstract:   (58 Views)
In this research, the energy, exergy, economic, and environmental analysis of a new hydrogen and electricity production system was discussed. A new system was designed by using the combination of compressed air energy storage units and proton exchange membrane electrolyzer, as well as using the combination of methane and hydrogen fuel to provide the necessary energy required for the modified Brayton cycle. To model the system, thermodynamic software for solving engineering equations was used. R123 organic fluid was used in the Rankine cycle. The parametric study showed that the inlet temperature of the gas turbine and the inlet pressure of the compressed air energy storage are among the most influential parameters on the system performance. The performance of the system was investigated in the three cities of Dezful, Tehran, and Tabriz. The results showed that changes in ambient temperature have an effect on the performance of the system and the system works better in cities with cold weather than in hot cities. The analysis of the consumption load required by one person throughout the year in Tabriz City showed that the system can supply the electricity required by 889 people throughout the year.

Keywords: Multi energy production system, compressed air energy storage, proton exchange membrane electrolyzer.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Thermodynamics
Received: 2024/08/22 | Accepted: 2024/11/20 | Published: 2024/11/30
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Ghalavand A, Ershadi A, Assareh E. Energy, exergy, economic and environmental analysis of an energy production system based on a combination of compressed air energy storage, hot and cold storage, electrolyzer and organic Rankine cycle. تبدیل انرژی 2024; 11 (3) :41-58
URL: http://jeed.dezful.iau.ir/article-1-471-en.html

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Volume 11, Issue 3 (Autumn 2024) Back to browse issues page
مجله علمی تخصصی مهندسی مکانیک تبدیل انرژی Journal of Energy Conversion
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